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The Passer-By Effect...

The Passer-By Effect...

Why do we actually wear fragrance? Sometimes it’s part of our wellness routine - a refreshing spritz to set us up for the day or a moment to take a few deep breaths and restore calm. On other days, it’s all about boosting confidence - whether a major job interview is coming up, or you want to leave a lasting impression. That's where the passer-by effect comes into play...

The what? The passer-by effect. When a stranger walks by, stops in their tracks, inhales deeply, wonders for a split second whether to let the opportunity pass, before blurting out, “sorry, but can I ask what you’re wearing?” As perfumers, in our opinion that is no greater compliment! In fragrance terms this is known as 'Sillage' which is French for the perfume trail left in the air when someone leaves the room. 

And here’s the thing - the passer-by effect completely guides our scent choices. If you're looking for an 'everyday fragrance, something subtle that is just for you there are plenty of options. But if you're looking for a fragrance that is going to be noticed, one that is going to earn you a compliment then you need to be selective about what you wear and how you wear it. 

Make it last

When it comes to the staying power of fragrances, some will last longer than others. This can be due to a range of factors but there are some notes that perform particularly well and you’ll almost always find these in the base. Musks, woody notes, and oudhs like within our bestseller, Scherzo are the notes to look out for - simply because they don’t evaporate as quickly as the more fruity and floral numbers. But that’s not to say long-lasting scents are always rich and heavy. Take Scherzo for example. Its bright burst of tangerine is intertwined with herbaceous davana which pierces through the scent’s floral heart. Meanwhile, resinous whirls of olibanum and oudh help to draw the scent into the long-lasting zone, without altering the fragrance’s softly-sweet vibe.

Wear it wisely

Spraying your fragrance onto wrists and rubbing them together does you and the scent no favours. Why? First of all, wrists are in hand-washing territory. But beyond that - this motion accelerates evaporation and can even alter the scent’s composition. Simply put, the scent won’t continue to work its magic for long when worn this way. To get the most out of your fragrance, try these pulse points instead: the backs of knees, the nape of the neck and the dip of your elbow. The natural heat from your body will continue to push the scent outwards - a sure way to keep those compliments coming.

Try something new

Passer-by compliments are one thing, but securing an ‘oooh, you smell divine’ from a friend or family member is the golden ticket. To master this trick, you’ll need an element of surprise - they’ve become accustomed to your regular floral spritz after all. Plus, an extra spritz onto hair - a special treat for your nearest and dearest as they snuggle in for a long-awaited hug.
